

After working in software industry for 2 years, one day I decided to create my own website, with no special purpose. I started writing html code and realize that, I am unable to create a basic html page.

In last two years, majorly I worked on Azure and C#, I had less exposure to web technologies. After struggling for 2-3 days to create a basic html page I decided to learn HTML. While reading about html, I came across word called “Responsive web technologies” and started learning HTML with bootstrap.

To learn bootstrap and HTML, I went through course available on W3School, course name is Bootstrap 3 tutorials . I tried all exercise and pushed code on my github account.

After completing HTML and Bootstrap course, I started reading about javascript, and found it very interesting, started reading book called Javascript Succinctly by Cody Lindley“. After reading this book I got brief introduction about javascript. Now I was pretty much confident about writing javascript code with bootstrap, so decided to create online calculator, where I will get exposure to write javascript code and UI for calculator.

In first phase of project, I just created simple calculator with very bad java script code. I was not happy with my own project so searched for good design of calculator and decided to create same like below


Searched javascript code available on github, luckily I found one repository which was created for same purpose. Repository: mensfeld\bootstrap-calculator

With the help of above UI and repository I started creating my own calculator, endeded with UI like:


Now my next task was to deploy this html site and make it public, this was also new for me. I started searching for some free hosting sites, where I can host my site.

After googling for long time, I found one very straight forward deployment site called “BitBallon“. I guess this site only supports deployment of static sites.

Steps to deploy your project:

  • Create your account with proper email address and password. This site verifies your email address by sending an OTP.
  • Your home html page should be named as index.html. Deployment process on BitBallon consider index.html file as a startup file of your project.
  • Copy your html and supportive files and drop it into dropbox given on that site


  • Now Edit name or URL for your site and press Ok and here you go…
  • Your site is accessible to public.

In this way I learnt, HTML, bootstrap, javascript and completed by doing a simple project of calculator.

Deployed site:

you can find source code here: GitHub\PrasadTelkikar

Happy coding.

TFS to Git Migration


Version control system is a system which tracks and provides control over changes to the source code. There are two types of version control system:

  • Centralized version control system
  • Distributed version control system

Centralized version control system

In this control system, each developer is connected to the server. Changes are directly pushed to the server and other developers need to update local repository directly from server. Best example of centralized version control system is TFS i.e. Team foundation server

Image result for distributed version control system


Distributed version control system

In distributed version control system, each developer has his/ her own personal source control repository. When a single developer commits his/her changes then it present on their own repository. For every commit it generates new version of source code and avoids data loss. After task is ready to consume by other developers, developer needs to push his/her changes to the server. This steps is like pushing code to the server in centralized version control system. Best example of distributed version control system is Git.

Image result for distributed version control system


Now I am introducing way to move your source code from TFS to Git without losing you change set history.

Step 1: Open power shell or command prompt in elevated mode.

Step 2: Install chocolatey package manager

Step 3: Cross check for chocolatey installed or not, by executing choco -? command.

Step 4: Install git-tfs. Execute following command

C:\> choco install gittfs

git-tfs is a two-way bridge between a TFS and local git repository.

Step 5: Cross check for git-tfs is installed or not, by executing git-tfs -? command. If it returns null, add git-tfs.exe path to the environment variable.

Step 6: Export your source code from TFS to the local folder using following command. It extracts your source code with change set history.


git-tfs<space>clone<space>your tfs location<space>project location path<space>Local repository path


git-tfs clone $/Main/Source/HelloWorld D:\Migration\HelloWorld


Step 7: Execute git gc. gc stands for Garbage collect.


Step 8: Execute git-tfs cleanup. It cleanup work space directory.


Before next step if you are working in organizational account, then some settings in .gitConfig and .git-Certs file.

Step 9: Push your source code to Git


git remote add origin “Your git repository path”

git push origin master


git remote add origin

git push origin master

Now your code successfully migrated from TFS to Git without losing your change set history.

Happy coding.

Image source: @Google image and snap shots from my computer.